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Incredibly Creative Resumes #design #marketing

They say that all is fair in love and war – and when you’re in the resume-sending period of your life, well, that’s definitely a fight for survival. When trying to get some attention from the employer, it’s no longer the content of your resume that counts. The looks and the design of your resume is becoming increasingly important as well.

If you still think that form shouldn’t go over content, consider how much additional information you may convey through a creative CV rather than an every day one. Choosing a style and a template should largely depend on your professional background or the main message you would like to send about yourself. To get inspired, check out our selection of these highly successful and creative resumes that went viral!

1. Sewn Fabric Resume by Melissa Washin

“Sewing is one of my biggest passions, and I wanted to convey that somehow in my resume.”  After transferring her resume on a white fabric, Melissa sewed it onto multiple fabrics to hand out. Her efforts helped her land a job right after graduation. (link: melissamakesthings)

2. Google Resume by Eric Gandhi

Eric actually got an interview with Google after his resume was featured on several websites. The guy later admitted he didn’t take job in the end, but got a position in another company where he felt appreciated. (link:ericgandhi)

3. 3D Resume by Sarah Odgers

“Why hand a boring, Word-based resume to a potential employer when you can showcase your abilities and personality to create a great first impression?” Despite the employer laughing in her face when he first saw this resume, she still got the job. (link: sarahodgers)

5. Badass Typographic Resume by Shakira Twigden

“I wanted to grab someone’s attention. People take design too seriously, especially when searching for jobs. I basically wanted to say “Hey, I know that you are busy and have a team full of great people, but I can get the job done too.” (link: shakiratwigden)

6. Coffee Bag Resume by Benjamin Dooling

Benjamin wanted his resume to not only feature his qualifications and skills, but to also represent his artistic philosophy. He created a line of locally-roasted coffee, packed in craft-paper bags with his information printed on them. (link: benjamindooling)

7. Vintage Resume Package by Brian Moose

Brian is now hoping that this resume will land him a job at Pixar Animation Studios. (link: brianmoose)

8. Milk Box Resume by Miguel Rato

Miguel created this resume, hoping to be hired by a London-based advertising agency in London, Wieden + Kennedy. He’s still waiting for the answer. (link: miguelrato)

9. Bookable Resume by Mike Freeman

Not wanting to waste any time for potential employers, Mike Freeman put up a “Book a meeting” section next to his resume. By filling in the application, you‘re also granted a „firm handshake, a limited-edition business card and resume hard copies”. (link:

10. Facebook Resume by Sabrina Saccocio

Sabrina wanted people to automatically feel comfortable with her resume, so she wisely chose to incorporate her personal information into a Facebook profile format. Not only does this give the main facts about her, but also demonstrates how social media-savvy and creative Sabrina is. (link:

11. Old-School Movie Poster Resume by Joe Kelso

„This resume was my secret weapon,” says Jon Kelso, who presented his personal information in a form of an old-school movie poster. Before the crisis struck, he says he would get invited to an interview everytime he‘d send out a copy of this CV. (link:

12. T-shirt Resume

What has now become a trend and can even be ordered and customized online, was first started back in 2008. Kelly Kinney, wearing a T-shirt that read “I need a job” and her resume on the back, would hang around various coffee houses, hoping to get noticed and hired. (link:

13. Board Game Resume by Kristian Leigh Walsh

Kristian Leigh Walsh gave her curriculum a form of a board game, where a little car would trace down her achievements and list of skills. (link:

14. Subway Map Resume by Jonathan Kaczynski

It‘s not unheard of to compare your life a journey, or a road: probably inspired by this metaphor, Jonathan Kaczynski constructed his resume in a form of a subway map. (link:

15. Newspaper Style Resume by Chuck D. Lay

A nice resume might sometimes serve as part of your portfolio, especially if you‘re a graphic designer like this guy from Louisiana. We don’t know if he got the job, but Deviantart users absolutely loved this old-school newspaper design! (link:

Vía: Demilked

Incredibly Creative Resumes #design #marketing
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