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Otter Cove Residende en California #design #arquitectura #fotografia #architecture

Otter Cove Residence 2 Fluid Otter Cove Residence Overlooking the Ocean in California

Studio Sagan Piechota Architecture completed the Otter Cove Residence, a meandering home perched on a cliff, overlooking the ocean in Carmel, California. Here is more from the architects: “The large area of the house was disguised by splitting the house into two wings — recessing the house into the site and locating nearly half of the space partially underground. The plan-split created a courtyard, the eastern wing providing privacy from Highway One and the western wing buffering the ocean wind. Secondary spaces are located on the lower floor and borrow light from above through three staircases. These spaces provide respite from the panoramic drama on the upper floor. Roofs are visually pulled apart from the walls creating the affect of lightness and liftWalls are located only where absolutely necessary for privacy or structure and treated as monolithic elements.“. Fluidity is the main attribute of this home, meant to be a natural extension to its landscape.

Otter Cove Residence 1 Fluid Otter Cove Residence Overlooking the Ocean in California

Otter Cove Residence 3 Fluid Otter Cove Residence Overlooking the Ocean in CaliforniaOtter Cove Residence 4 Fluid Otter Cove Residence Overlooking the Ocean in CaliforniaOtter Cove Residence 5 Fluid Otter Cove Residence Overlooking the Ocean in CaliforniaOtter Cove Residence 6 Fluid Otter Cove Residence Overlooking the Ocean in CaliforniaOtter Cove Residence 7 Fluid Otter Cove Residence Overlooking the Ocean in CaliforniaOtter Cove Residence 8 Fluid Otter Cove Residence Overlooking the Ocean in CaliforniaOtter Cove Residence 9 Fluid Otter Cove Residence Overlooking the Ocean in CaliforniaOtter Cove Residence 10 Fluid Otter Cove Residence Overlooking the Ocean in CaliforniaOtter Cove Residence 11 Fluid Otter Cove Residence Overlooking the Ocean in CaliforniaOtter Cove Residence 12 Fluid Otter Cove Residence Overlooking the Ocean in CaliforniaOtter Cove Residence 13 Fluid Otter Cove Residence Overlooking the Ocean in CaliforniaOtter Cove Residence 14 Fluid Otter Cove Residence Overlooking the Ocean in CaliforniaOtter Cove Residence 15 Fluid Otter Cove Residence Overlooking the Ocean in CaliforniaOtter Cove Residence 16 Fluid Otter Cove Residence Overlooking the Ocean in CaliforniaOtter Cove Residence 17 Fluid Otter Cove Residence Overlooking the Ocean in California

Vía: Freshome

Otter Cove Residende en California #design #arquitectura #fotografia #architecture
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