Wonderland by Kirsty Mitchell #fotografia #photo #design
Today, let’s take a walk in a mystical Wonderland of Kirsty Mitchel, a storybook without words – an unexplained collection of strange and magical characters, set in the woodlands and landscapes that surrounded her home. UK-based photographer began the project in the summer of 2009 and has been running for over 2.5 years.
“The project began 7 months after my mother died, and was a turning point in my approach to photography. It was the first time I had tried to incorporate all aspects of my creative training into one form. Mixing together my backgrounds in fashion design, costume making, my love of art history and film, as well as my passion for the natural beauty of English landscapes. In short, a melting pot of all my everyday interests, channeled into a very personal tribute to the memory of my mother, and the stories she read to me as a child.”
Website: kirstymitchellphotography.com
Vía: Demilked
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