Categorías: Fotografia

Masters Craft Ceramic Ware Boutique in Tokyo #design #arquitectura

The recently opened Masters Craft ceramic ware boutique in the basement shopping area of Palace Hotel Tokyo is pure proof of what…

Shrouded House in Melbourne #design #arquitectura #fotografia

Shrouded House is a discreetly opulent residence for a young, design-aware family of four (plus a Labrador retriever) in Toorak,…

Ecole Maternelle Pajol in Paris #design #arquitectura #fotografia

Ecole Maternelle Pajol, a four-classroom kindergarten on Rue Pajol in Paris’s 18th arrondissement, combines so many of the things we…

Haberdash Store, Stockholm in Sweden #design #arquitectura #arquitecture

Mats Sjöqvist together with brothers Mårten and Olle Eriksson-Mårtens attracted a solid following of well-dressed men to their first menswear…

Niche Bars in Monte Carlo #design #arquitectura #fotography

Niche “bars” are the new Third Places. Your preferred, distinctive, highly specialised places between work and home. We’ve noticed restaurants,…

Fotografía publicitaria deportiva por Tim Tadder #fotografia #photography #advertising

Nota: Todos los Derechos Reservados por Tim Tadder. (más…)

Top 15 Photography Apps for Android Devices #app #android #photography

# 1 After Focus This app brings you the effects as DSLR camera’s can do. This app has all the…

Ejemplos de fotografía en lluvia. #fotografia #photography #inspiration

He aquí unos buenos ejemplos de fotografía en lluvia. Espero que os sirvan de inspiración. Dancing After Rain by Shikhei…

Webs de stock de imagenes #recursos #fotografia

Que pasa si no tienes tiempo o una buena cámara a mano pero necesitas fotografías de calidad? Pues se acabó…

Simple guide to photography #infografia #infographic #photography

Vía: G Juans