Categorías: Interiorismo

Better Than Chocolate, el sofá de diseño y chocolate

¿Os imagináis un sofá que se parezca a una tableta de chocolate? Se trata de Better Than Chocolate, la creación del estudio…

Viaje en la historia del interiorismo, década a década

Los diseñadores del Harvey Water Softeners han creado esta infografía interactiva que muestra la historia y evolución del diseño de…

Romita Comedor in Mexico City #design #architecture #photography

Romita Comedor is a restaurant that is less than two years old yet it has the ambience of a well-loved, casual…

Shanghai Film Museum #design #arquitectura #museum

Should you be so lucky as to be asked to design a Film Museum, how would you feel? Most likely,…

Venturini House by Adamo-Faiden #Architecture #design

Argentinean studio Adamo-Faiden has overhauled an ageing townhouse in Buenos Aires with the addition of a rooftop courtyard and an…

The Liquid Light of Diego Garcia by Viktor Westerdahl #Architecture #interior #design

Bartlett School of Architecture graduate Viktor Westerdahl has devised a fantasy scenario where the discovery of a new liquid energy…