Before you start scrolling down the list, first take a look at what you are sitting on. Now that you’ve done that – it’s time to see 20 really creative and modern chairs designs that will make you feel bad about your chair. Yes, we are bad!
La verdad sobre el plástico #infografia #infographic #medioambiente
Hola. Una infografía de la verdad sobre el plástico. Donde se muestran hechos realmente sorprendentes. Mucha gente es adicta al plástico, y nunca ha conocido la vida sin él. Serían capaces de adaptarse a no tenerla en el día a día. Un saludo. Vía:
Evolución de emisiones CO2 #infografia #medioambiente #infographic
Hola. Una infografía donde se muestra la evolución de emisiones CO2 por países. Un saludo. Vía:
Twitter es más adictivo que alcohol y tabaco #infografia #twitter #infographic
Hola. Una infografía donde se muestra que Twitter es más adictivo que alcohol y tabaco. La gente broma sobre ser adicto a sus teléfonos móviles, pero investigaciones recientes sugieren que no es cosa de risa. Un estudio reciente encontró que las personas eran más propensas a
Worlds Worst Oil Spills #infografia #infographic #environment #medioambiente
This infographic compares the worst oil spills in history, taking into account not only size, but economic and environmental damage. Figures for the current spill in the Gulf of Mexico are estimates, and this infographic uses these estimates to put the current spill into historical
Fake Swimming Pool #design #arquitectura #fotografia
Argentinian artist Leandro Erlich has constructed a full-size fake swimming pool, complete with all its trappings, including a deck and a ladder. When seen from the deck, the pool appears to be filled with deep, shimmering water. The truth is, a layer of water only some 10
Animal Chairs By Maximo Riera #design #fotografia #mobiliario
If you happen to be looking for a new set of chairs and like to stand out from the crowd, take a look at this almost alive Animal Chairs collection by Máximo Riera. Máximo Riera has been a practicing artist for over thirty years. Inspired by his
Extraordinary Lamps #design #mobiliario #fotografia
Polish artist Przemek, also known as Calabarte, sculpts beautiful patterns on African gourds which later become heads of his extraordinary lamps. When you switch on one of his lamps, the light coming trough the cracks of the gourd turns a room into a dreamlike space. Przemek studied
25 Unusual And Creative Beds #design #fotografia #mobiliario
We spend about one-third of our lives asleep, and if you live for 90 years, 30 years would be spent sleeping. So, the next time you buy a new bed, keep in mind that you will spend a huge amount of your life just lying
Cut Chair Optical Illusion #design #fotografia #mobiliario
Even though this chair looks like it has just been sliced by a ninja, you shouldn’t be afraid to take a seat – it stands perfectly stable. The “Cut Chair” designed by Peter Bristol has only one unbroken leg, and creates an optical illusion that