Hola. Los dispositivos móviles cada vez tienen mayor protagonismo en la navegación por Internet, mientras que el vídeo online es uno de los recursos más recurrentes de los usuarios. Esta infografía plantea la duda de si los smartphones y las tabletas acabarán con YouTube, si este
Comercio electrónico y tabletas #design #infografia #infographic
Cuando termine el año, aproximadamente 60 millones de estadounidenses tendrán una tableta y en 2014 el número sobrepasará los 80 millones. De hecho, el crecimiento de estos dispositivos es 10 veces mayor que el de los teléfonos inteligentes. Y esto repercute positivamente en el comercio electrónico. Es más, según los datos
Ecole Maternelle Pajol in Paris #design #arquitectura #fotografia
Ecole Maternelle Pajol, a four-classroom kindergarten on Rue Pajol in Paris’s 18th arrondissement, combines so many of the things we love. Parisian architecture office Palatre & Leclère has restored and reimagined the 1940s building, yet they have left the basic feel of the structure unchanged. We believe
Haberdash Store, Stockholm in Sweden #design #arquitectura #arquitecture
Mats Sjöqvist together with brothers Mårten and Olle Eriksson-Mårtens attracted a solid following of well-dressed men to their first menswear boutique, Herrekipering (haberdasher in Swedish), on Kocksgatan 17 in Stockholm’s Södermalm district. Earlier this year, they expanded the business by opening their second and much
Bullying, todos los datos. #infografia #infographic #bullying
The history of Converse shoes #infografia #infographic #curiosidades
Benefits of drinking water #infografia #infographic #health
Niche Bars in Monte Carlo #design #arquitectura #fotography
Niche “bars” are the new Third Places. Your preferred, distinctive, highly specialised places between work and home. We’ve noticed restaurants, bars and services specialized in a not just a specific style of cooking, but on one ingredient, or one way of preparing an ingredient .
DESIGN Marketing Mini by Access Agency #marketing #mini #design
What a cool ride so far! The Cool Hunter was born seven years ago. I never thought it would lead to what we have today. It started as a newspaper column and, surprisingly, grew quickly into a globally syndicated column.
Evolución de la comunicación durante la historia #infografia #infographic #comunicacion
Vía: DailyInfographics